Thirteen Square Meters

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A small rooftop apartment of 13m2 on Mavromixali street with a view to Lycabettus Hill is transformed into a writer’s studio/guest house. To attain multifunctionality in such limited space, the apartment is equipped with adjustable furniture, thus creating multiple spatial conditions. A sofa bed, two folding desks and two benches with storage space, change positions and formation to adapt to the desired use. The former storage loft is opened to function as an extensive shelf and can be reached by climbing up the benches of slightly different height. The writer’s shelves on the wall extend until the kitchen, gradually shifting from a typical bookshelf into an open kitchen cabinet filled with plates and pots. A small research was conducted through visual interpretations on how different body postures accommodate this flexible space.


under construction/υπό κατασκευή

  • Filed under: housing